Mr. Ron (R-Geezzy)
Sr. Business Development Mgr/Partner
Started Relationship Building at an Early Age with his 7 Siblings…Sweeping Barber Shops…Paperboy with 3 routes that turned in to a Lawncare and Winter Snow Removal Service...Hired his Brothers from Other Mothers to help with the Service Demands…College Grad…worked in Hell’s Furnace (Corporate America where he Culminated His Skills). Currently playing in the Chitlin (Chitterling), Menudo and Tripe Golf Circuit. The 2020 results are in...
- Jamie cleaned up at Glenwoodie golf course
- Yours, truly Ron "Thanos" cleaned up at Innsbrook CC.
- Business Development (Building Relationships for Sustainable Growth)
- Sales & Internet Marketing (Delivering Affordable Prices with Highest Yield)
- Business Consultant for Startup and Entrepreneurs (what Pitfalls to Avoid and Who to Trust)
- Communication (2 Ears to HEAR More…2 Eyes to SEE More…and 1 MOUTH to speak less…)
- Result Driven (Doesn’t Sleep…much…)
- Client / Customer is Always Right even when they’re wrong (Bend but don’t Break Defense)
- Finishes what he Started (even if it Cost the Company Time, Talents & Treasures) He calls it…a FAITH SHIELD